A space to connect, create and accelerate business ideas.
What is FEET?
At FEET we believe in a world based on dignity, where every human being has the same opportunity. Rather than giving philanthropy away, we invest it in people. Read More
Tanzania's Challenges
Since independence, human development has been central to Tanzania’s development process.
Mwalimu's Vision
The late Mwalimu Julius Nyerere, Tanzania’s first President, identified poverty, ignorance and disease as the main development challenges facing Tanzania.
True Freedom
Nyerere understood development as a process of removing various ‘un-freedoms’ and argued that freedom and development are intimately and intricately linked.
Where we are.
Human Development
Development Process

Girls are the first to drop out of school, and the first to be failed by the system, facing the perils of early marriage, early pregnancy, and abuse. Without the choice to write their own futures, their endless potential is wasted.
In sub-Saharan Africa, 33.3 million* girls of primary and lower secondary school age are out of school. This number rises to 52.2 million when taking into account girls of upper secondary school age. Read More
Gender Equality.
Women and girls carry the majority of the care and domestic burden in every country in the region, are less likely to be employed in the formal sector (and where they are employed, earn lower wages), are less likely to be able to influence government policy, and experience high levels of violence.
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Agriculture; the agricultural sector is the main source of employment and livelihood for more than two-thirds of the Tanzanian population. It is an important economic sector in terms of food production, employment generation, production of raw material for industries, and generation of foreign exchange earnings. The agricultural sector is the leading sector of the economy and accounts for about 45.6 percent of GDP (Economic Survey, 2005), and about 50 percent of foreign exchange earnings. The government all along has been putting in place enabling environment for increased private investment in the agricultural sector. In 2005, the number of private investors in the sector increased to 169 from 145 in 2004, equivalent to an increase of 16.6 percent. Read More
Plot 153, Haile Selassie Road,
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
Email: info@feet.or.tz
Phone: +255 745 315 949